Mahalakshmi Engineering College


Our courses don't merely focus on the teacher-centred Lecture Method, but on learner-centred activity-based teaching using innovative methods and techniques. Periodical industrial visits and educational tours are also arranged to supplement classroom lectures.

Academic Excellence Award:

For students who are getting more than 90% marks in both the semester examinations of an academic year will receive “Mahalakshmi Educational Institution Merit Scholarship” for that particular year.


“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” With the aim of providing the best to our students, we have recruited experienced and qualified faculty who are capable of addressing the various needs of our students through eclectic approaches and methods in the teaching/learning set up. Our faculty have been well-screened and interviewed by subject experts from IITs and NITs. MEC is proud of its highly qualified and experienced members of faculty who are seasoned in Classroom Management and Effective Teaching/Learning skills.


The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the growth of industry in India, partnering industry and government alike through advisory and consultative processes. We also have a forum for CII Yiand CII EEF

Special Lectures

We propose to invite eminent professors, scientists and experts to deliver guest lectures to the students in their respective areas of specialisation.

Research And Develpoment

Mere teaching/learning per se will not suffice to meet the present challenges and demands in the academic/industrial sector. Bearing this in mind, MEC intends to focus on Research and Development by actively engaging in projects funded and sanctioned by AICTE, DRDO, DPT, MSPI, ICMR, IUSSTF, etc.

Higher Education Abroad

We earnestly hope that a large number of our students would spread out their wings and fly to foreign lands for higher education. In order to facilitate their admission in colleges/Universities abroad, we propose to conduct training programmes for GRE, GMAT, IELTS, and TOEFL.

Training in Entrepreneurship

Self-reliance is one of the most remarkable virtues of mankind. MEC encourages its students to become enterprising entrepreneurs who can shape the destiny of trade and commerce in India. Therefore, we intend to offer training in entrepreneurship to our students. In short, we Aim to reach the highest standards in engineering education Offer standard education in a learner-friendly and pollution-free ambience Train our students in academic and life skills thereby preparing them for the corporate world We just don’t make tall promises. We believe in the maxim “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Mahalakshmi Engineering College
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