Office of Controller of Examinations has taken several initiatives to ensure fair and transparent Examination.
All precautions are being taken to minimize any error during paper-setting, moderation and printing of question paper, conduct of examination, collection and transport of answer books, coding-decoding and assessment, posting of marks on the answer books, award lists, result processing and declaration, issue of statements of marks and various certificates including the degree certificates. High level of confidentiality is maintained during the entire examination process.
The Institution has initiated following Examination Related Reforms:
- Implementation of 100% Automation of Examination Management System (EMS) at People’s University
- All examination processes including pre-exam processes, scanning and onscreen marking of handwritten answer scripts of the students and post examination processes (such as result processing, publication and secure generation of mark sheets) are completely automated.
- Central Valuation Centre for Digital Valuation of Answer Books at University Campus.
- Integration of IT in all examination processes.
- The application server, the database server and the backup server reside at the NOC. The users of the system can avail the services by connecting to the servers at NOC through the e-Governance portal provided for this purpose.
- Front page of examination Answer Book is OMR with Barcode.
- Moderation of Answer Books after completion of Evaluation Process by Head Valuator for fair assessment.
- Results are published online through SMS and are also available to view online through EMS.
- Availability of examination schedule and results on University Website
- Issue of admit card with photograph and printed examination schedule.
- Same day selection (among multiple sets of question paper) and approval for opening of question paper by Honorable Vice Chancellor.
- Same day moderation and printing of question paper.
- University provide printed internal assessment format as per the internal assessment criteria to ensure fair continuous internal assessments.
- Revaluation facility is available for students to eliminate any error in evaluation and result processing.
- Various reforms at administrative level to ensure speedy processing of examination steps, complaints, correspondence, issue of various certificates.
- Strict vigilance and penal measures are taken to curb of Lapses and Malpractices in theory and practical examinations.
- Addition of security features i.e. 2D Barcode, Barcode, embossing, water mark, invisible logo etc. in statement of marks / grade and Degree Certificate.