Mahalakshmi Engineering College


Grievances Redressal Cell (GRC)

Mahalakshmi Engineering College is committed to provide a safe, fair, holistic and harmonious learning and work environment. Grievance Redressal Cell was set up in accordance with the University Grants Commission regulations 2012 (The Gazette of India, March 23-29, 2013) for handling day-to-day grievances related to students, staff, alumni and parents.

The students, staff, parents and Alumni are free to register their grievances online. A committee constituted handles grievance. It is guided by the principles of natural justice while redressing the grievances. The committee would consider the grievances, received online, and put its best efforts in order to arrive at a right decision / amicable solution at the earliest.

False grievances will not be considered. In all the cases, strict confidentiality is ensured by the Grievance Redressal Cell.

NamePositionQualificationPresent Designation/OccupationMobile NoEmail
Dr. Mala AOmbudsmanPh.DFormerly Principal ACGCET, Karaikudi9442550564
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram SChairmanPrincipal of the
Mr. Thyagarajan RMemberHODAssistant
Mr. Gowthaman MMemberHODAssistant
Ms. Chitra RMemberFaculty MembersAssistant
Mr. Thennavan SMemberRepresentatives of
Grievance Type
General About College About Hostel About Transport

Committee for Prevention and Redressal of Harassment (PRH)

As per the directives of the AICTE, A Committee for Prevention and Redressal of Harassment has been constituted. The Committee has to conduct awareness programmes among the staff and students. The Committee aims to evolve a mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender based violence in the institution. The committee shall also ensure to:

  • Implementation of the policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
  • Provide an environment free of gender-based discrimination.
  • Ensure equal access of all facilities and participation in activities of the college.
  • Create a secure physical and social environment which will deter acts of sexual harassment
  • Promote a social and psychological environment that will raise awareness about sexual harassment in its various forms.
NamePositionPresent Designation/OccupationMobile NoEmail
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram
Mr. Gowthaman MMemberAssistant
Mr. Vijayakumar LMemberAssistant
Ms. Monisha JMemberAssistant
Ms. Chitra RMemberAssistant
Ms. Suseela RObserverAssistant

Internal Complain Committee (ICC)

The sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) act 2013 is an act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at work place. Sexual harassment results in the violation of basic fundamental rights of women such as Right to equality under article 14,15 and her right to life and live with dignity under article 21 of the constitution of India.

Definition of Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behavior

  • Physical contact and advances
  • A demand or request for sexual favors
  • Making sexually colored remarks
  • Showing pornography
  • Any unwelcome messages through telephone or internet

Structure of ICC: The office bearers of ICC shall be functioning not more than 3 years. After the tenure a new body shall be elected. The ICC shall be containing the following designations:

  • One Preceeding officer (women, employed at a senior level)
  • Atleast two members (who are committed to the cause of women and have had experience in social work or have legal knowledge.)
  • One member from NGO (which is associated for women welfare.)

Functions : The Internal Complaints Committee has two major functions :

  • Preventive
  • Remedial


  • To work towards creating an atmosphere promoting equality, non-discrimination and gender sensitivity.
  • To promote and facilitate measures to create a work environment that is free of sexual harassment.


  • To receive and take cognizance of complaints made about sexual harassment at the university and give every complaint serious consideration.
  • Crisis Management, Mediation and Counselling
  • To conduct enquiries into the complaints, place findings and recommendations regarding penalties against the harasser.
NameCategoryMobile NoEmail
Mr. Thennavan
Mr. Vikraman
Mr. Murugavel
Mr. Vijayakumar
Ms. Chitra
Mr. Manivel MOfficial of
Mr. Gowthaman
Ms. Keerthana
Ms. Monika

Anti Ragging Committee (ARC)

Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in Mahalakshmi Engineering College. Ragging includes, but is not limited to teasing, abusing, causing physical harm or playing practical jokes on to a student. Punishment for the students indulging in the above may include

  • Two years imprisonment
  • Fine to the tune of Rs.2.5 lakhs
  • Dismissal from the educational institution
  • Shall not be admitted in any other educational institution

Mahalakshmi Engineering College takes strict measures, including patrols and regular checks, to ensure that all its students are in a safe environment, and no such untoward incidents occur

NamePositionCategoryPresent Designation/OccupationMobile NoEmail
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram SChairmanPrincipal of the
Mr. Vijayakumar NMemberPolice DepartmentPolice
Mrs. Bhavani RMemberRevenue/Taluk/Civil/
Mr. Manivel MMemberOfficial of NGOOfficial of
Mr. Sekar MMemberRepresentatives of
Mr. Thennavan SMemberRepresentatives of
Mr. Selvakumar CMemberRepresentatives Non-TeachingTechnical

Anti Ragging Squard

NamePositionCategoryPresent Designation/OccupationMobile NoEmail
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram SChairmanPrincipal of the
Mr. Thyagarajan RMemberHODAssistant
Mr. Gowthaman MMemberHODAssistant
Mr. Vijayakumar LMemberFaculty MembersAssistant
Ms. Monisha JMemberFaculty MembersAssistant
Ms. Chitra RMemberFaculty MembersAssistant
Mr. Dinagar MMemberFaculty MembersAssistant
Mr.Murugavel LMemberNon-Teaching FacultyTechnical

SC / ST Committee

"To ensure the effective implementation of the reservation policy in admission, recruitment, allotment of staff quarters, Hostels etc. SC/ST Cells/committees are established in the colleges."

The purpose of these Cells is to help the universities in implementing the reservation policy with regard to the admission of students and the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff at various levels. Its function is also to help the SC/ST categories to integrate with the mainstream of the university community and to remove difficulties, which they may be experiencing. Such SC/ST Cells have already been set up in 109 universities upto the end of Ninth Plan.


  • To implement the reservation policy for SCs/STs in the Universities and Colleges.
  • To collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admissions, appointments to teaching and non-teaching positions in the universities, and in the affiliating colleges and analyse the data showing the trends and changes towards fulfilling the required quota.
  • To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India and the UGC/AICTE.
  • To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the reservation policy in universities and colleges and plan measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policy and programme of the Government of India.

Functions of the Special Cells

  • To circulate Government of India and Commission’s decisions and to collect regularly, on an annual basis, information regarding course-wise admissions to candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Universities and Colleges for different courses, in forms prescribed, by a stipulated date, and to take follow up action, where required.
  • To circulate Government of India orders and Commission’s decisions and to collect information in respect of appointment, training of these communities in teaching and non-teaching posts in the Universities and Colleges, in suitable forms by a stipulated date and take follow up action where required.
  • To collect reports and information regarding the Government of India orders on the various aspects of education, training and employment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates, for evolving new policies or modifying existing policy by the Commission.
  • To analyze the information collected above and prepare reports and digests for onward transmission to the Ministry of Human Resource Development/University Grants Commission and such other authorities as may be required.
  • To deal with representations received from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates regarding their admission, recruitment, promotion and other similar matters in Universities/Colleges.
  • To monitor the working of the remedial coaching scheme, if approved in the affiliated colleges and university.
  • To function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the Grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the university and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
  • To maintain a register for employment of SCs/STs in the University and Colleges for the candidates belonging to SC/ST communities for various posts in the university/colleges.
  • Any other work assigned from time to time to promote higher education among these two communities suffering economic, social and education deprivations.
  • The SC/ST Cell exclusively looks after the work related to SC/STs matters and no other work is assigned to the Cell.
  • If the required data is not submitted by the given date, UGC/AICTE reserves the right to withhold either plan or non-plan grant until the required information/data is received. Hence, the universities/colleges are advised to supply the necessary information as required.
NameCategoryMobile NoEmail
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram SPrincipal (In Charge)
Mr. Rajkumaar GWorkshop
Ms. Hilda RLecturer /
Mrs. Srivimala
Mr. Vivekanandhan MWorkshop

Student Counsellor

The main work of admission counselor is to advise students on application process, keep track for degree completion, organizing orientation activities, and managing student data. Student counselors work with students, parents, and educators to help the students succeed academically and socially. They provide one-on-one emotional guidance and help students plan for their futures by guiding them in building a career. They will be trained by the AICTE to imbibe universal human values education among teachers and students.

  • Is presently teaching in an institution of professional education or at least has a teaching background.
  • Is sincere, has a good rapport with the students, colleagues, staff as well as the management, alumni.
  • Has interest in values, is making effort to understand and live by values.
  • Is involved in academic, social and community activities as a volunteer (through the institution and/or privately).
  • Is open minded (not sectarian).
NamePositionCategoryPresent Designation/OccupationMobile NoEmail
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram SChairmanPrincipal of the
Mr. Thyagarajan RMemberHOD1Assistant
Mr. Gowthaman MMemberHOD2Assistant
Ms. Monisha JMemberM.EAssistant
Mr. C.SelvakumarMemberNon-Teaching FacultyTechnical

Institution – Industry Cell (IIC)

Industry Cell is established for bridge the gap between the institute and industry and thus enhancing the relationship among each other. This cell identifies the industrial expectation and promotes institutional preparation for meeting industrial needs by facilitating sponsored R&D projects, seminars, workshops and various other industrial training programmes. The aim of the cell is to make an effective contribution to educational system identifying the gap between academic curriculum and need of the industry. Institution – Industry Cell promotes in equipping faculty to latest practices and makes the students industry-ready by providing exposure to current industry practices and hone their skills to adapt changing technologies. The primary focus of Institution – Industry Cell is to interact with elite industries across the country and establish partnership them.

Function of the Cell

  • Bridging the gap between Industry-Institute by interactive programs
  • Promoting a partnership approach towards mobilizing industrial personnel
  • To arrange for students’ industrial visit
  • Organizing seminars, symposium, exhibitions and workshops both for faculties and students in cutting edge technologies to cater to the current need of the industry.
  • To arrange industrial training for students and faculty members.
  • To identify the opportunities for student project work in Industries.
  • To encourage the department level tie-ups or MoUs with Industries for the mutual benefit.
  • To promote consultancy activities and research and developmental activities with industry.
  • To enrich the teaching learning process through identified industrial gap.
  • To invite industry experts for guest lectures, seminars Brain-storming sessions and expertise sharing

Roles & Responsibilities of the Committee Members

  • To initiate different collaboration with industries at institute level by identifying the industrial expectation and promoting institutional preparation for meeting industrial needs by facilitating project work, seminars, workshops and various other industrial training programmes.
  • To identify the gap in the curriculum keeping in mind the Program Specific Outcome of their respective department and cater to them by initiating different events, workshop, industry visit etc. in collaboration with different industries.
  • To identify the need of the industry and current trend by getting the requirement from the students for initiating different events, workshop in collaboration with different industries.

Institution – Industry Cell Impact Analysis

  • Webinars helps in bridging the gap between Industry and Academia and thus providing the industrial and practical knowledge to the students on recent trends in Industries.
  • Students got the opportunity to work in an Industrial Project The effectiveness of this practice can be gauged by the great response of the participants of the workshops.
  • Students picked up what they learnt at the workshops to implement their own mini project and also final year projects.
  • Industrial Visits has been organized to give the students an elaborate exposure towards the industry need in recent times.
NameCategoryPresent Designation/OccupationMobile NoEmail
Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram SPrincipal (Incharge)
Mr. Thyagarajan RDrafting Officer (Spl.) MechanicalAssistant
Mr. Gowthaman MW/Shop Instructor (Spl.Gr.)Assistant
Mr. Dinagar MLecturerAssistant
Mrs. Srivimala MMemberAssistant

Complaints cum Redressal Committee.

NameCategoryPresent Designation/OccupationMobile NoEmail
Mrs. Srivimala MIn charge Student AffairsAssistant
Mr. Manivel MNon-Governmental OrganizationOthers-Human Rights State
Ms. Chitra RWoman Welfare CommitteeAssistant

Mahalakshmi Engineering College
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