Mahalakshmi Engineering College

Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Mahalakshmi Engineering College



  • Syllabus coverage should be checked at the end of every week and for any deviation should be completed in that week itself.

  • For if any difficulty found in completing in the schedule should be represented to the Principal.

  • Utilization of modern teaching tools such as smart board, 3D animation, etc., should be effectively used with the availability resources in our college.

  • It is discussed that be maintenance of attendance by master attendance register may be removed from the practice.

  • It is pointed out the practical monitoring committee must coordinate with academic excellence committee to enhance the academic activities.

  • The critical analytical subjects felt by the students must be taken by the senior faculty members in the department.

  • The faculty members who are expertise and giving consistent results in a subject can be given on request by them.

  • Exercise problems from the text book can be given as assignment in each unit of the subject, weightage can be given along with assessment text.

  • The following classroom observation should be followed scrupulously
    • Attendance
    • Class note verification
    • Questioning and reasoning
    • Need based teaching
    • Student discipline (ID card, Dress code, Shoe etc.)
    • Student self learning
    • Communication and presentation skills
    • Mini project, Major project, publication
    • Student participation, co curricular activites, workshop, seminar, project exhibition, Guidelines for time management, selection of question, strategical preparation, Industrial visit, Implant training, Internship etc
    • Tutorials, higher order questions
    • Student counseling and Motivation.

  • Marks assessment for each experiment must be given for every laboratory session and date of completion must be mentioned by the incharge and sign with date.

  • It is proposed to conduct the revision classes in two different sessions such as one for 2 days, for the whole students and the next 5 days for the students in NSLB (No students left behind).after completing the syllabus in each semester. To compensative above days (7) for revision, College may be reopened atleast one week before the university (practical date) academic schedule.

  • The faculty members who demand more revision classes may be given with the discussion of HOD.

  • The model theory examination only will be conducted after completion revision classes.

  • It is observed that Industry Institute Interaction is found not satisfactory. In regard to this effective utilization of industrial people may be still improved and more consultancy projects to be obtained from various industries.

  • It is discussed that the value added program must be suitable programmed before every semester starts an academic year, the necessary fees should collected along with the tuition fees.

  • It is made mandatory all departments must allow the students to complete the all kind of training like Inplant training, Internship etc during the holidays after examination.

  • HOI pointed out that all faculty members must be informed to visit industry on OD to support the consultancy work and project work.

  • Principal has timely pointed out that the failures in assessment test may be levied Rs.25/subject to reduce the failures and creating more interest among students to improve the results.

  • The following points are required for the collaborative studies with MoU,

  • List the industry/institution.

  • Plan for the collaborative activities such as
    • Consultancy
    • Faculty Exchange
    • Students publications in collaboration with journals
    • Internship training
    • Students exchange
    • Summer classes
    • Twinning programme such as dual degree and certificate courses.
    • Funded projects not less than Rs.1 lakh.
    • GRE, TOFEL, GATE coaching etc.

  • The academic and administrative activities of the department are implemented by the HOD and should be monitored through Professor or Academic Excellence Coordinator. For if any deviation, the academic Coordinator shall report to HOI with details.

Mahalakshmi Engineering College
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